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Dreamers are designed for the progress and preservation of a people! Historically, great advancements throughout society have come by the hands of those who carried a bold dream in their hearts of what the future could become. Our times once again demand the emergence of a daring group of people who will challenge both our chaos and comfort by their commitment to boldly living out their God-given dream of creating positive change. Release the Dreamers was written for those who feel imprisoned by process who wonder exactly where they are in God's agenda for them and when their dream will grow into fruition. This book is for those who are ready to evolve and emerge into who they were destined to be. This book is for those who live with the certainty that they were born to make a significant contribution in the world. If you are a dreamer, prepare to discover the clear path and proven steps to you realizing your dream. You will be infused with inspiration to impact the world.

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RJ Matthews

"Dreamers are those who see, despite the darkness, something worth pursuing while many are crippled by comfort and complacency, and others are paralyzed by fear. Dreamers are about to emerge in every sphere of society to be salt of the earth and light of the world. This book is a bold announcement that says THE DREAMERS ARE COMING!"

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